Tuesday, December 20, 2016

圣诞节在世界各地:西班牙 - Christmas Around the World: Spain

西班牙的大多数人去午夜大众或“La Misa Del Gallo”(公鸡的质量)。它被称为这是因为公鸡应该打了耶稣出生的夜晚。大多数家庭在圣诞前夕在服务前吃他们主要的圣诞餐。传统的西班牙圣诞晚餐是“Pavo Trufado de Navidad”,是土耳其塞满松露(蘑菇,而不是巧克力)。午夜服务后,人们穿过街道,拿着火炬,弹吉他,敲打铃鼓和鼓。一个西班牙语说是“Esta noche es Noche-Buena,Y no Es noche de dormir”,这意味着“今晚是好的夜晚,它不是为了睡觉!

12月28日是“Díade los santos vaccentes”或“无辜圣人日”,非常像英国和美国的愚人节。人们试图互相欺骗相信愚蠢的故事和笑话。报纸和电视台也运行愚蠢的故事。如果你欺骗别人,你可以称他们为“Inocente,接种”,这意味着“无辜,无辜”。 12月28日是世界各地的人们记得那些在希律王的命令下被杀害的婴儿,当他试图杀死小耶稣时。


除了圣诞节,还有另一个节日,在西班牙庆祝圣诞故事。它被称为主显节和庆祝1月6日。在西班牙语中,主显节被称为“Fiesta de Los tres Reyes Mages”:在英语中,这意味着“三个魔王的节日”。当国王或智者将礼物带给宝贝耶稣时,主显节庆祝。


Most people in Spain go to Midnight Mass or 'La Misa Del Gallo' (The Mass of the Rooster). It is called this because a rooster is supposed to have crowed the night that Jesus was born. Most families eat their main Christmas meal on Christmas Eve before the service. The traditional Spanish Christmas dinner is 'Pavo Trufado de Navidad' which is Turkey stuffed with truffles (the mushrooms, not the chocolate ones!) After the midnight service, people walk through the streets carrying torches, playing guitars and beating on tambourines and drums. One Spanish saying is 'Esta noche es Noche-Buena, Y no Es noche de dormir' which means 'Tonight is the good night and it is not meant for sleeping!'

December 28th is 'Día de los santos inocentes' or 'Day of the Innocent Saints' and is very like April Fools Day in the UK and USA. People try to trick each other into believing silly stories and jokes. Newspapers and TV stations also run silly stories. If you trick someone, you can call them 'Inocente, inocente' which means 'innocent, innocent'. 28th December is when people all over the world remember the babies that were killed on the orders of King Herod when he was trying to kill the baby Jesus.

New Year's Eve is called 'Nochevieja' or 'The Old Night' in Spain and one special tradition is that you eat 12 grapes with the 12 strokes of the clock at Midnight! Each grape represents a month of the coming year, so if you eat the twelve grapes, you are said to be lucky in the new year.

Apart from Christmas, there is another festival that is celebrated in Spain that is about the Christmas Story. It is called Epiphany and is celebrated on 6th January. In Spanish, Epiphany is called 'Fiesta de Los tres Reyes Mages': in English this means 'The festival of the three Magic Kings'. Epiphany celebrates when the Kings or Wise men brought gifts to the baby Jesus.

Children have some presents on Christmas Day, but most are opened at Epiphany. Some children believe that the Kings bring presents to them at Epiphany. They write letters to the Kings on Boxing Day, December 26th, asking for toys and presents. And on Epiphany Eve (January 5th) they leave shoes on windowsills or balconies or under the Christmas Tree to be filled with presents. Gifts are often left by children for the Kings, a glass of Cognac for each King, a satsuma and some walnuts. Sometimes a bucket of water is left for the camels that bring the Kings! If the children have been bad, the Kings might leave pieces of coal made out of sugar in the presents!

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