Tuesday, December 20, 2016

圣诞节在世界各地:丹麦--Christmas Around the World: Denmark

众所周知,我们的许多圣诞节传统都是源自古老的非基督徒来源。 特别是斯堪的纳维亚国家对圣诞节的传统做出了贡献。 虽然基督教取代了旧的斯堪的纳维亚(诺斯)的宗教及其神,奥丁,弗雷,雷神等,一个仍然,7月,虽然7月仍然是7月,它也变成了圣诞节。 为了纪念奥丁,光的老盛宴成为光荣的荣耀,以纪念基督,“世界的光”。 死亡的庆祝成为了出生的庆祝。 旧的神和灵,因此,慢慢消失; 但不完全。

\有许多丹麦圣诞节传统。 有12月访问的生物,类似精灵的生物称为nisse。 有Julemand,丹麦版的圣诞老人。 有丹麦圣诞饼干,如brune kager,pebbernodder,jule kage和kleiner。 在美国,我们通常装饰我们的家园与常绿的花环。 丹麦人也做到这一点。 他们有一个特殊的词,这些装饰品。 常青树枝,槲寄生和冬青都被称为克里斯多恩,或“基督刺”。 Juletrae是圣诞树,但大多数丹麦人不把他们的树直到圣诞前夕的前一天。 在丹麦,父母装饰圣诞树,最小的是不允许看到它,直到它完全装饰。

It is well-known that many of our Christmas traditions descended from older non-Christian sources. The Scandinavian countries, in particular, have contributed to the Christmas tradition. Although Christianity replaced the old Scandinavian (Norse) religion and its gods, Odin, Frey, Thor, etc., one remained, Jul. Although Jul remained Jul, it also became Christmas. The old feast of light in honor of Odin became a feast of light in honor of Christ, the "light of the world." The celebration of death became a celebration of birth. The old gods and spirits, thus, slowly disappeared; but not quite.

There are many Danish Christmas traditions. There are the beings that visit in December, sprite-like beings called nisse. There is Julemand, the Danish version of Santa Claus. There are the Danish Christmas cookies such as brune kager, pebbernodder, jule kage, and kleiner. In America, we commonly adorn our homes with wreaths of evergreen. The Danes do this as well. They have a special word for these decorations though. Evergreen boughs, mistletoe, and holly are all referred to as Kristdorn, or "Christ thorn." The Juletrae is the Christmas tree, but most Danes don't put up their trees until the day before Christmas Eve. In Denmark the parents decorate the Christmas tree, and the youngest are not allowed to see it until it is fully decorated.

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