Tuesday, December 20, 2016

圣诞节在世界各地:墨西哥 - Christmas Around the World: Mexico

假日开始于12月16日,当九天的波萨达游行开始,在每个家庭和公共广场上设置名为nacimientos的诞生场景。 在圣诞前夕,在最后一次波萨达结束后,每个人都去庄严的午夜大众,圣诞节欢迎一个欢乐的混合的铃铛,鞭炮和爆竹。 圣诞装饰品,如精致的nacimientos,反映了传统的墨西哥民间艺术与圣诞节传统的美丽融合。庆祝活动继续于12月28日的无罪日,31日的除夕,1月6日的三国日。 一个最后的庆祝活动2月6日 - 圣诞节 - 结束了赛季。

The holidays begin on December 16th, when the nine-day posada processions start and the nativity scenes called nacimientos are set up in every home and public square. On Christmas Eve, after the last posada is over, everyone goes to a solemn midnight Mass, and Christmas Day is welcomed in with a jubilant medley of bells, whistles, and firecrackers. Christmas decorations, such as elaborate nacimientos reflect the beautiful fusion of traditional Mexican folk art with the Christmas tradition. The festivities continue with the Day of the Innocents on December 28th, New Year's Eve on the 31st, and the Day of the Three Kings on January 6th. One final celebration on February 6th--Candlemas--winds up the season.

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