Thursday, January 19, 2017

儿童的设置限制 - Setting Limits for Children







Our children develop in the context of a relationship. They learn how to act by how we act and react to them. A good parent is like a good teacher, just like a good teacher should be like a good parent. It is no surprise then that the most difficult challenge for a parent is setting limits on their children's behavior. Setting limits is not punishment. Punishment only comes when limits are passed. Punishment should be thought of as taking something away when a limit by itself doesn't work. We need to teach our children that all emotions are natural and acceptable, even anger. What we need to teach them is how to express and regulate their emotions.

The purpose of limits are to:
1. regulate emotions;
2. develop self-control;
3. teach them to become autonomous;
4. understand correct behavior.

All of these purposes are intertwined. A child who can regulate their emotions will have developed self-control and therefore be a more autonomous individual. When they have had limits set for them they will have internalized a sense of socially correct behavior.

You may have heard of the marshmallow test, it was a famous test conducted in the 1960s and 70s. In this test children were given a marshmallow. The interviewer told them he needed to step out of the room for a few minutes. They told the child they could eat the marshmallow now, but if they waited they would be given a second marshmallow when they returned. The test was not only designed to test a child's ability to self-regulate, but also to see whether those children who were able to self-regulate had more success later in life. You see, the researchers followed up with the families 18 years later. They measured the quality of life of each of the children. What jobs they had, what their salary was, whether they were able to maintain stable healthy relationships, and several other factors. Those children who were able to self-regulate were shown to consistently score higher in all of these areas.

There are many other tests and games to check a child's ability to self-regulate. You can play "Red-light, Green-light" to name only one other example. The importance thing when setting limits is to remember to explain your reasons. When a child feels they have rational and just limits they don't feel confined, rather they safe and free. When proper limits are given children will feel free to explore.

Setting limits is a process:
First, you need to listen to them. Find out why they are acting out inappropriately. What is the problem.
Second, acknowledge their feelings. Like we said earlier, feelings are natural. Don't make them feel bad or guilty for having emotions.
Third, identify (name) their feelings. Say, "I can see you are feeling sad" or "It looks like you're upset" or "I know you like playing with your friends and are not happy that you have to leave."
Fourth, clarify, with reasons (not just, "I said so"), why you need to set the limit. The basic reason is to keep your child safe or to prevent them from doing socially unacceptable behavior.
Fifth, resolve the situation with choices. You can tell your child, "I know you don't want to wear your mittens, but you have to or your hands will get hold. You can tell me which mittens you want to wear. You can wear your green mittens or your blue mittens." If your child is persistent in not wearing the mittens, they may try to compromise with you. They may say, "Mom, can I bring my mittens and only put them on if my hands get cold?" It is up to you to decide whether you want to negotiate with your child. Allowing them to have a say in the decision process can do a lot to validate them.
Lastly, you need to follow through on your limits. If you don't act on them then your children will never follow them. If your child refuses all their choices then you may have to force them to do the necessary. At this point you can tell them, "I can see you need help with doing this. I am going to help you put on your coat."

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