Tuesday, November 22, 2016


我们的家庭做了很多旅行。 我们相信旅行是一个非常重要的组成部分,以丰富和充实的生活。 旅行帮助我们打开我们的头脑,新的生活方式和爱,给予和成长,思考和感谢。 我们的座右铭是:爱,学习,欣赏。

我们有一个两岁的女儿叫Annalily Joy Naggie。 我们希望这个博客可以反映我们的旅行,通过莉莉的眼睛,只要这是可能的。 我们想分享我们自己的学习经历,但我们也想展示莉莉的经验





Our family does a lot of traveling. We believe traveling is a very important component to living a rich and fulfilling life. Traveling helps us open our minds to new ways of living and loving, giving and growing, thinking and thanking. Our motto is: to love, to learn, to appreciate.

We have a two-year-old daughter named Annalily Joy Naggie. We want this blog to be a reflection of our travels as seen through Lily's eyes, as far as that is possible. We want to share our own learning experiences, but we also want to show Lily's experiences as well

We've already gone on several trips and so some of the early posts will likely be about previous trips as well as current trips.

I hope you enjoy!


Don and Helen

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