Sunday, November 27, 2016


Day 8, SATURDAY, 11/19


We woke up that morning at the Stockholm Central Train Station. This was the largest city we had visited so far. We were told to beware of pick pockets in the train station. There were a lot of people and although most of them were very nice when you are in a big city you do have to be careful. We next went to visit the City Hall where all the citizens of the city go to get married. We didn't know that the City Hall was a modern building, it looked as old as many of the other historical buildings in the city. Yet, as you got closer you did notice many details that made it stand out. The building was full of architectural details from different styles and different cultures and eras. There were Asian influences and Middle Eastern influences. It was Medieval and Modern. There were a lot of secrets to it too. For example, if you looked closely at the bricks you noticed unique patterns emerge. We watched a view people sign their marriage contracts in the main hall and then left to have dinner in the Old Town. Like many historical areas of cities we visited, this one was full of interesting little shops as well as places to buy souvenirs. That night we stayed at a B&B outside the city. Our place was run by 2 Hungarian guys who were super friendly.

Day 9, SUNDAY, 11/20

我们走在斯德哥尔摩有点参观的教堂没有多少运气。 没有多少人去这个城市的教堂。 我们确实找到了一个教会,有来自尼日利亚的人,但来自非洲的其他地方。 他们以开放的姿态欢迎我们,使我们感觉像是他们社区的一部分。 一个女人有一个可爱的宝贝,总是po嘴唇,好像她想给你一个吻,妈妈真的很喜欢这个女孩!

那天下午我们乘船到芬兰。 到芬兰的船是我整个旅行中最有趣的。 他们是一个儿童的房间,有一个球坑,我玩了几个小时。 后来我们去了一个舞厅,我也注意到所有相同的孩子。 我们接管了舞池,所有我们的孩子跳舞了夜晚。 这真好玩! 这是我和爸爸在一个漫长的一天后在床上,准备好睡觉。

We walked around Stockholm a bit visiting churches without much luck. Not many people go to church in this city. We did find a church with people from mostly Nigeria, but other places from Africa as well. They welcomed us inside with open arms and made us feel like a part of their community. One woman had a cute baby who always pouted her lips as though she wanted to give you a kiss, mommy really liked this girl!

We then got on our boat to Finland that afternoon. The boat to Finland was the most fun I had the whole trip. Their was a children's room with a ball pit that I played in for hours. Later we went to a dance hall and I noticed all the same kids there too. We took over the dance floor and all us toddlers danced the night away. It was so much fun! This is me and daddy in bed after a long day, getting ready to go to sleep.

Day 10, MONDAY, 11/21


We arrived early Monday morning. We first had lunch and then visited a school nearby our ship. The first thing I noticed about the school is how orderly it was. There were designated sections in each of the several small rooms that made up the kindergarten. There were about 10 children in the class and two teachers. They had a nap area, an area with desks, a coat area, and an open play area. There were many different activities posted on the walls. There was a children's relaxation game. The children would sit in a row with each person massaging the back of the person in front of them. There were different patterns they would do: zig-zags, dots, horizontal lines, vertical lines, etc. They did this because the school said personal touch is important for children in order for them to feel secure and happy. While we were there the kids were given their lunch, which was a simple sandwich of bread and cheese and a few slices of yellow bell pepper. After lunch all the kids put on their thick outdoor clothes and went outside to play.

From there our next host picked us up and took us to his place which was very conveniently located. His house was in an interesting apartment building where you would circle through a tunnel and down a sloping path to the door. The elevator was very old fashioned and charming. The house was very small, but we enjoyed it. There was even a miniature sauna in the shower!

After getting settled at our room we went out again and walked around the downtown area and viewed some of the local buildings. We met a family from Southern France who had a daughter my age. This is us playing around this ball sculpture with our balloons from McDonald's, it was so much fun!

Day 11, TUESDAY, 11/22

我们去教育部第一次教育会议正在进行。 我真的很累,只是在睡觉时爸爸在这个在线杂志工作。 会后,我们去了几家中国餐馆和杂货店,然后去了一个英语幼儿园。 幼儿园刚刚关闭,因为我们到达,虽然我们能够和一个老师在门口谈。 我们了解到,这是一所国际学校,教师来自美国和英国,来自世界各地的孩子们。 我们遇到的老师来自加州。 她也是学校的护士。 之后,我们停在这个小书店。 那个人有一点害羞,但很友好。 在后面他们有很多漫画书。

We went to the Department of Education first where an education conference was going on. I was really tired and just took a nap while dad worked on this online journal. After the conference we went to a few Chinese restaurants and grocery stores and then to an English Kindergarten. The kindergarten had just closed as we arrived although we were able to talk to one teacher at the door. We learned that it was an international school and that the teachers came from America and England and that the children attending were from  around the world. The teacher we met was from California. She also worked as a nurse for the school. Afterwards we stopped at this little bookstore. The man there was a little shy but very friendly. In the back they had a lot of comic books.

Day 12, WEDNESDAY, 11/23

哥本哈根和在过程中爸爸差点把他的口袋挑。 他感觉到一条轻轻的刷子对着他的腿,他偶尔看下来,看到一个宝石的手在他的口袋里。 他立即转身对着女人做口袋拣选,问她在做什么。 她打盹,走开了。 我们都觉得真的幸运爸爸注意到了。 然后,我们乘坐飞机到布达佩斯,到了深夜。 我们乘坐穿梭巴士到我们的酒店,并吃了土耳其电罗经。

Copenhagen and in the process daddy almost got his pocket picked. He felt a light brush against his leg and he happened to look down and see a jeweled hand in his pocket. He immediately turned at the woman doing the pocket picking and asked what she was doing. She played dumb and walked away. We all felt really lucky dad noticed. We then took a flight to Budapest and arrived late that night. We took a shuttle bus to our hotel and had Turkish gyros for dinner.

Day 13, THURSDAY, 11/24


We got up early and went on a tour of the city. We first walked along the Buda side of the river Danube, stopping a few times along the way for the tour guide to share bits of Hungarian history. We learned that "Hungary" means "Land of the Huns." That the name for the Hungarian people is actually the Magyars. That they were once a warlike tribe feared by Europe, but that they eventually took a king and were recognized as a civilized people. The history of Hungarian, as the tour guide said, has been plagued by bad luck and bad decisions. The Hungarians were often invaded by neighboring peoples and they often chose the wrong side during wars. The city has many beautiful buildings, but is also in considerable disrepair. The golden age of architecture for the city was in the early 19th century. On our tour we went up to the old castle, which was very beautiful and saw the cathedral up there. Afterwards we went to the other side of the river and visited a cathedral and the Parliament building.

After our tour we stopped at a covered market for lunch.  The building looked like an old-fashioned railway station. They had many different kinds of food, both local and international. We had Russian dumplings and Hungarian goulash. We then went to a kindergarten for international children. The kindergarten had a nice padded play area outside in a courtyard. Indoors there were some toys in a large open room. It did not seem very different from the play area at our church back home. Afterwards we wandered around the Christmas streets where mommy bought me the nice head band I'm wearing in the 
picture above, so cute!

Day 14, FRIDAY, 11/25





Today daddy and I had a day to ourselves. We first went to Hero Square. There was a man playing the flute there. He kept playing and smiling at me until he got me to laugh. I was surprised to see that this place wasn't just a monument, but a place for young people to gather and sing and play music. Behind the monument was a large park with some very interesting buildings and a museum. A lot of children went there with school groups. It kind of reminded me of Disney land, but without the rides. In front of the building was a giant pond that was frozen over for children to skate on.

After walking around the whole area we hopped on the subway and went to the Jewish synagogue, the largest synagogue in Europe. Unfortunately, the synagogue was closed, but we were able to walk around it and get a few peaks inside. Next we went across the river to the citadel. Daddy carried my stroller up a very large series of steps. He must have been so tired afterwards. We had a very nice view of the city from up there. Dad also got plenty of exercise. Afterwards we headed back to near our apartment to meet with mommy. We then all went out to eat.

We met at a place called "The Octagon." It was called that because the intersection was in the shape of an octagon. The restaurant we went to had very cheap and very tasty Hungarian food. Hungary is a poor country and so most people can't afford to go to the expensive tourist restaurants everyday. If you leave the more crowded areas though you can find small restaurants like this that are very cheap and have very good food. You know it's good because the restaurant was always full with people lining up to get inside.

While walking home we passed by the Liszt concert hall, a beautifully decorated Art Nouveau building. We did a short tour of the building and then started walking back to our room for some much needed rest.

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