Tuesday, November 22, 2016


在2016年美国大选后不久,我们的家人出于各种原因决定去欧洲旅行。 一个原因是探索爸爸的匈牙利,波兰,德国遗产。 另一个原因是访问欧洲各种早期教育学校,并观察正在使用的方法。 当然,我们也只是花时间在一起享受节日。

我们的旅行开始从底特律。 我们在多伦多停留了5个小时,然后在布鲁塞尔停留了9个小时。 然后我们转到我们的航班的最后一站,并在星期天晚上到达哥本哈根。 我们的其余旅行带我们通过更多的丹麦,瑞典,芬兰,匈牙利,奥地利,捷克共和国,波兰和德国。

Shortly after the 2016 US Election our family decided, for various reasons, to take a trip to Europe. One reason was to explore daddy's Hungarian, Polish, German heritage. Another reason was to visit various Early Education schools in Europe and observe what methods were being used. And of course, we also went just to spend time together to enjoy the holiday season.

Our trip began out of Detroit. We had a 5 hour layover in Toronto followed by a 9 hour layover in Brussels. We then transferred to the last leg of our flight and arrived late at night on Sunday in Copenhagen. The rest of our trip took us through more of Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Hungary, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, and Germany.

Day 1, SATURDAY, 11/12

我们离开星期六上午。 我们乘了一辆非常小的火车到多伦多,然后有一个5小时的停机。 我们在一家中国餐馆吃饭,李厨房,我们有一个亚洲美国汉堡包,超级美味! 我们的大门有一个很酷的雕塑。 它是两个壳形金属板。 他们弯曲着像两双手鼓掌。 你可以走过中心,听到你的回声在一个有趣的金属ping,或者你可以走过狭窄的外部走廊,一个更有趣的回声。 我们有很多乐趣跑来跑去玩。 飞往欧洲并不太糟糕。 我看了几部电影,在飞机上大约四个小时睡着了。 爸爸总是有一个困难的时间睡在飞机上,说他没有得到任何睡眠。 妈妈

We left Saturday morning. We took a very small train to Toronto and then had a 5 hour layover. We had dinner in a Chinese restaurant, Lee Kitchen where we had an Asian-American hamburger, super delicious! There was a cool sculpture by our gate. It was two shell shaped metal plates. They curved around like two pairs of hands clapping. You could walk through the center and hear your echo in an interesting metallic ping or you could walk through the narrow outer corridors for an even more interesting echo. We had a lot of fun running around and playing here. The flight to Europe was not too bad. I watched a few movies and fell asleep about four hours into the flight. Daddy always has a hard time sleeping on planes and said that he didn't get any sleep though. Mommy did better and was able to sleep a bit.

Day 2, SUNDAY, 11/13

我们星期天早上抵达布鲁塞尔。我们有一个8小时的停留。首先,我们参观了大广场,参观巧克力店和比利时华夫饼摊。我们有一大桶贻贝吃午饭,然后回到飞机上,为我们的最终目的地。爸爸喜欢看着许多建筑在那里的“新艺术风格”风格。我们都喜欢在Manikin Piss拍摄照片,看看在城市周围找到的所有不同版本的雕像,雕塑,壁画,绘画,以及任何其他你可以想象的形式。我们没有意识到,直到这次旅行,人体模型Piss不仅仅是一个旅游景点,而是一个城市的象征。布鲁塞尔有一个真正轻松,轻微的叛逆的气氛,被捕获在那个雕像。


We arrived in Brussels early Sunday morning. We had an 8 hour layover. First we toured the Grand Place, visiting chocolate shops and Belgian waffle stands. We had a large bucket of mussels for lunch and then headed back to the plane for our final destination. Daddy enjoyed looking at many of the buildings there in the "art nouveau" style. We all enjoyed taking a picture at the Manikin Piss and looking at all the different versions of the statue to be found around the city in the form of sculptures, murals, paintings, and any and everything else you could imagine. We didn't realize until this trip that the Manikin Piss is more than just a tourist spot, but is kind of an emblem for the city. Brussels has a really relaxed, slightly rebellious atmosphere, that is captured in that statue.

By the time we arrived in Copenhagen it was already late. We went to our B&B apartment for the night and got some late night take out sushi. We hadn't slept much on the plane ride over so we caught up this first night in a real bed.

(Street in Brussels)

(Brussels train station)

(Local school in Brussels)

Day 3, MONDAY, 11/14

我们没有意识到这么多的航空旅行将是多么累。 第二天,我们花了半天休息,然后下半场在一家中国餐馆对面,从我们的房间吃和休息一些。 6点左右,我们乘坐火车去赫尔辛堡,瑞典。 我们在凌晨1点左右到达,去睡觉相当快。


We hadn't realized how tiring all this air travel would be. The next day we spent half the day resting and then the next half in a Chinese restaurant across from our room eating and resting some more. Around 6 we took the train to Helsingborg, Sweden. We arrived around 1 AM and went to sleep fairly quick.

This is me in front of the house we stayed at.

(Chinese Restaurant)

Day 4, TUESDAY, 11/15
今天是爸爸的一天。 爸爸是一个大的莎士比亚和哈姆雷特风扇,所以他想去丹麦的城堡埃尔西诺。 他到达下午2点左右,他给他约2个小时游览城堡,这是足够的时间。 城堡是很酷! 有一个大塔,爸爸带我。 有一个有趣的教堂。 还有许多长的走廊与黑色和白色的瓷砖。 这些走廊被用作皇室的运动方式,当它太冷,不能走出去。 我特别喜欢铜塔屋顶,我不知道他们叫什么。 许多人有非常独特和有趣的设计。 那天晚上,我们都出去了一顿浓厚的咸肉的丹麦晚餐。

Today was daddy's day. Dad is a big Shakespeare and Hamlet fan so he wanted to go to Denmark's Castle Elsinore. He arrived around 2 PM which gave him roughly 2 hours to tour the castle, which was about enough time. The castle was pretty cool! There was a large tower that dad carried me up. There was an interesting chapel. There were also many long hallways with black and white tiles. These hallways were used as a way for the royalty to exercise when it was too cold to walk outside. I particularly liked the copper tower roofs, I'm not sure what they are called. Many had very unique and interesting designs. That night we all went out for a Danish dinner of thick bacon.

Day 5, WEDNESDAY, 11/16

星期三我们回到哥本哈根那天,然后回到了丹麦的赫尔辛格。 我们游览了一个非常有趣的图书馆,有这么多不同的玩具,我可以玩。 有一个大的娃娃屋,一个木偶舞台,这个有趣的椅子是一个顶部的形状。 你觉得当你旋转时会跌倒,但你从来没有。

那天晚上,我们在一个真正漂亮的老式丹麦家里睡觉。 我应该添加在丹麦的每个人都很友好。 我们真的在这里有一个非常好的时光。

Wednesday we went back to Copenhagen for the day and then returned to Helsingor, Denmark for the night. We toured around a really interesting library that had so many different toys for me to play with. There was a large doll house, a puppet stage, and this interesting chair that was in the shape of a top. You felt like you would fall over when you spun around, but you never did.

That night we slept in a really pretty old-fashioned Danish home. I should add how friendly everyone in Denmark has been. We really have had a very nice time here.

(The house we stayed at in Denmark)

Day 6, THURSDAY, 11/17

在上午我们参观了一所丹麦高中。 一个瑞典人跑了厨房。 他告诉我们,他不接受名片,但如果我们没有现金,我们应该只吃。 “如果你饿了,你应该吃。 学校不是太大,但建筑只有一个年级,10年级学生。 他们有一个漂亮的休息区,让学生玩。 每个人似乎放松和友好。 接下来,我们再次去哥本哈根访问哥本哈根商学院。 学校校园相当大,有非常有趣和有趣的建筑。 我们去学校有点和周边地区。 我们还去了一个不错的餐馆,他们有一个充满儿童玩具的角落。 这是我在图片中玩。 吃完饭后,我们回到了赫尔辛格,我们在丹麦老家的第二天晚上。

In the morning we visited a Danish high school. A Swedish man ran the kitchen. He told us that he doesn't accept business cards, but if we don't have cash we should just eat anyways. "If you're hungry, you should eat." The school was not too big but the building was only for a single grade, 10th graders. They had a nice lounge area for the students to play. Everyone seemed relaxed and friendly. Next we went to Copenhagen again to visit the Copenhagen Business School. The school campus was quite large and had very fun and interesting architecture. We toured the school a bit and the surrounding area. We also went to a nice restaurant where they had a corner full of children's toys. This is me playing in the picture. After eating we returned to Helsingor for our second night in the old Danish home.

Day 7, FRIDAY, 11/18

我们今天的飞机是乘渡轮到瑞典,从那里过夜火车到斯德哥尔摩。 我们有时间杀了,所以我们花了一天在赫尔辛基购物。 妈妈买了很多衣服。 我吃了一些美味的冰淇淋。 晚上我们乘坐火车前往瑞典的斯德哥尔摩。

Our plan for today was to take the ferry to Sweden and from there an overnight train to Stockholm.  We had time to kill so we spent the day shopping in Helsingor. Mommy bought a lot of clothes. I had some delicious ice-cream. At night we took a train to Stockholm, Sweden.

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