Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Day 15, SATURDAY, 11/26


Today we took a train out to the small town of Szentendre, nicknamed "the Art City." On the train ride there we met a Hungarian man who was also a teacher like us. We had to walk about ten minutes to get to the town. The walk was very pretty though. You walked along the Danube River up to the city. It was a nice small town all set up for Christmas festivities. There were stands all along the major road selling Hungarian food as well as mulled wine, snacks, and handcrafted jewelry, woodwork, and scarves. It was very pretty. In the center of town was a large Christmas tree. We met a man from New York living there as an artist. He seemed to like living in Budapest quite a bit. He gave dad some advice on how to take care of ourselves in case the economy crashes. He said to store valuable things under the house, things people would need during a depression like whiskey, cigarettes, and gold. Of course none of those things are essential for living, but they are useful substitutes for currency.

Day 16, SUNDAY, 11/27



We got up early the next day and took a bus to Vienna. We were able to sit at the front of the bus and view the Hungarian and Austrian countryside. There landscape was mostly green rolling his. I learned that Austrian is the most heavily forested country in Europe with nearly have the country covered in trees. When we arrived in Vienna we took a bus tour of the country. While on the tour we saw many Santa groups parading the city. Here were a bunch of silly Santas waving to our bus. We saw another group of Santas riding on bikes down the main boulevard.

Austria seems like a very fun city, we wished we had more time to spend here. The country is famous for its coffee houses. We learned that the city has been historically crowded and so many people used the coffee house as an extension of their own home, similar to how people in Japan would select a restaurant for daily loitering and congregating. We also learned that in January Vienna has a large city-wide dance party. Over 150 places open their halls to everyone and anyone to come in and dance the night away. At night we went to a nice dinner of Weinerschnitzle on a heated patio.

Around midnight we hopped on a bus to our next location, Prague!

Day 17, MONDAY, 11/28




We arrived in Prague at 4:30 AM. Dad and I slept a bit while mom scouted out the area. After mom returned around 6 we learned that the rest of the bus station was opening up. We moved over to another warmer area with restaurants and wifi. There we started making our plans for the day. Mom was still pretty tired so dad decided to take an early walk around the city. He went straight to the old city, cutting all the way through until he arrived at the King's Bridge.

Later in the day we would take the same route except we would go even further, climbing all the way to the top of King's Bridge and up to the Cathedral at the top. It was a very long and tiring walk. We were surprised how cold it was up there. It even began to snow a bit. Luckily a bus came by that took us most of the way down. After that we warmed ourselves up with a nice cup of hot chocolate.

None of us had slept much on the bus so we decided to finally find our room for the night and take a shower and turn in for an early rest. We did stop at a local grocery store first and picked up some snacks for the house.

Day 18, TUESDAY, 11/29



爸爸不知道首先买什么。很难知道为妈妈买什么。她通常不喜欢爸爸选择的衣服。她不喜欢香水或化妆。她喜欢任何匹配 - 例如匹配衬衫为我们所有的人。或者一条带有心脏或其他浪漫符号的项链。爸爸然后记得那些卖着小项链的大圣诞树上的铁匠。他决定买两个。铸造的妈妈的黄道十二宫符号,天秤座以及。



什么是最好的是我们的房间。凯撒做了一个非常创造性的工作装饰。大厅的灯光穿过一个圆顶帽,金箔裹在里面。他还用木板在原始石膏上修整天花板。装饰来自他的旅行环游世界 - 古巴,阿富汗,俄罗斯,巴西,伦敦和其他地方。总而言之,一个非常好的经验。

Today we are leaving Prague and so only have a short time left in the city. It's hard to know what to do. So far we've only seen the Old City. There is still so much more to do. Mommy wanted to get a Thai massage and then take a bus tour of the whole area. Daddy wants to visit the Jewish Quarter.
We ended up getting some street food from the Christmas stands first and then headed over to the massage parlor. On our way we encountered a group of Czech school children on a field trip. We tagged along and on our way we met a man making hundreds of bubbles out of a knotted rope that he dipped in soapy water. I loved playing in the bubbles. Friends and couples also stood in the bubbles and has their photos taken. Walking further on we saw a man with a large doll on his back. The doll was a representation of a Thai goddess. He was advertising for the massage parlor! We went inside. The room was decorated in a very soothing fashion. Mommy booked herself a massage session and me and dad went downstairs to buy mommy a gift.

Dad wasn't sure what to buy at first. It's hard to know what to buy for mommy. She usually doesn't like the clothes dad chooses. She doesn't like perfume or makeup. She likes anything that matches--like matching shirts for all of us. Or a necklace with a heart or some other romantic symbol. Dad then remembered the blacksmiths by the large Christmas tree who sold little necklaces. He decided to buy two. A casting of mommy' zodiac symbol, the libra as well.

It was very cold when arrived in Wroclaw bus terminal at  8:30pm. Snow had just begun to whirl over the  streets. Daddy hastily tried to find shelter for me and all our luggage. We eventually found refuge in the ticket office. Our host, Ceasar, picked us up shortly after and took us out to our apartment just outside the city. Before arriving he agreed to let us stop at a small shop and pick up some groceries.

The woman at the ticket counter had made a list of suggested snacks she thought we'd enjoy. Caesar helped us gather the items. We soon learned they were mostly just chips and other snack foods. Well, that night we had some Polish dumplings, ramen soup, sausage, and chips for a late dinner.

What was best though was our room. Caesar did a phenomenally creative job decorating. The hall light was strung through a bowler cap with gold foil wrapped around the inside. He also refinished the ceiling with wood planks over the original plaster. The decorating came from his travels around the world--Cuba, Afghanistan, Russia, Brazil, London, and elsewhere. All in all a very nice experience.

Day 19, WEDNESDAY, 11/30

我们睡了一会儿,早上准备了一天。 我们买了很多圣诞贺卡,所以我们填满了。 我们最终走出了路。 我们的第一站是药房。 我几乎出了我的咳嗽药,所以我们买了另一瓶。 我们碰巧进入的药店实际上相当老,部分是博物馆。 我们接下来去邮局。 我们给所有的家庭发送了很多卡和款待。 我们的最后一站是当地学校。 波兰的学童似乎很友好。

然后我们乘坐“电车”到市中心。 我们知道我们想买礼物带回家,但它是那么冷,我们认为,以最好的时间外面的最低限度。 我们去了一家书店,也去了几个孩子的游乐设施,然后出去吃饭。 之后,我们决定找一个甜点的地方。 我们最后在一个乔治亚餐厅,我们有奶酪蛋面包。

We slept in a bit and spent the morning prepping for the day. We had bought a lot of Christmas cards and so we filled them out. We eventually made our way out. Our first stop was the pharmacy. I was almost out of my cough medicine so we bought another bottle. The pharmacy we happened to walk into was actually quite old and was partly a museum as well. We next went to the post office. We sent out lots of cards and treats to all the family. Our last stop was the local school. The Polish school children seemed very friendly.

We then took the "tram" to the city center. We knew we wanted to buy gifts to bring back home, but it was so cold we thought in best to keep out time outside to a minimum. We went to a bookstore, and also went on a few children's rides, we then went out to eat. Afterwards we decided to find a place for dessert. We ended up at a Georgian Restaurant where we had cheesey egg bread.

Day 20, THURSDAY, 12/1











Well, this has been a long day. We arrived in Berlin by bus at 4:30 am. It is now 5:30 am and we are on a ferry to Denmark. I'm resting but dad is awake and so tired.

Dad hasn't slept in over a day. He didn't sleep on the last two bus trips either, so he is extremely sleepy!

Early today we learned that German law required us to have a baby seat. Of course, when we arrived on the bus the seat was no longer required, but, nonetheless we spent several hours looking for one.

We went to two stores in search of a seat. First we went to a mall where we spent a lot of time asking for advice as well as playing with all the baby toys. Mommy bought me my own baby stroller and a large house player. After that we started heading towards another baby store. It was far away and cold outside and so we eventually had to stop for lunch. We were so tired, cold, and hungry. We went to a Vietnamese place and had, what mommy called an inauthentic soup, faux pho. We also had fried rice with duck. The food was only so-so.

We headed out again and finally found the our baby store we'd been looking for. The car seats were 180 euro though, that's $225! Dad found a booster seat and mom immediately agreed to buying it.

After riding on the helicopter I was feeling really cold. It was lightly snowing and I was feeling rather cold and damp. Dad saw that there was a small shopping center nearby and we decided to hop in for a few minutes to escape the cold.

Inside we found a large Christmas display set up. The display resembled an intersection of two streets. At the intersection was a large talking tree. The tree only spoke in German so we don’t really know what he was saying, but the rest of the displays were of elves preparing for Christmas day so we can assume his story was about elves or Santa’s workshop. There were over half a dozen houses. There was a bakery, a wood shop, there was a house with Elves playing cards, and another house with Elves having dinner. I can’t remember all the shops now. When we first arrived I was, I admit, a bit scared. I hadn’t seen anything like this before.

Feeling all warmed up, we went back outside. Mommy met a few teachers who were in the city for an education conference. We chatted with them for a while, then we went on another ride. On the next ride I sat next to an older four-year-old German girl. After the ride mom talked with her a bit. We learned that the girl’s grandmother, who was the one who took her out to the Christmas market today, had a close friend in Boston. The friend actually lived in the town right next to us. She was very excited to learn that we were neighbors to her friend and we decided we would try to visit him and say hello after we returned home.

Well, this had been a long day. Mommy and daddy were both very tired because they had not slept very well on the last bus ride and they knew they had another long overnight ride ahead. We got back to the bus station with plenty of time.

We were a little disappointed to learn that all our hard work finding the car seat was really pointless, they didn’t even check or ask for one at the bus. At least we didn’t bother to actually buy the really expensive ones. The ride was long. We left at 11:40pm and didn’t arrive until 8:40 am. Around 5 am our bus took a ferry across to one of Denmark’s islands. I slept the whole time and only woke up for a few seconds. When we finally arrived in Berlin we were all very tired.

Day 21, FRIDAY, 12/2


旅途中的想法... hmmm ...。对我来说什么记忆?我认为在所有的游客出来之前早上走过布拉格是我最奇妙的时刻。渡轮乘坐第二。城堡Elsinore也是非常神奇。妈妈问爸爸他想住在哪个国家,他说匈牙利。匈牙利很有趣和有趣,我想爸爸说他想住在那里,因为他相信它提出了更多的机会仍然被发现。

Well, first we had to get on a train to the airport. We went to track 5 and while there a man in uniform told us the train had been redirected to track 7. Dad had to carry all the luggage up the stairs and back down to track 7. Just as we arrived we saw the train leave and the next train was coming on track 5! So we had to lug all the luggage back up and back down. When we got back on track 5 we met a British guy there. He talked with dad for a bit and told us the next train should arrive in 20 minutes. We relaxed and waited for the train, chatting about politics and life in England and America. Well, then we saw a train pull up to track 7 that said airport! He told us to hurry, that the train must have been redirected again, and that we should go back to track 7. We had learned by this time that there was an elevator on the other end of the tracks so we didn’t need to carry our luggage up the stairs anymore. But still, we once again had to go up and down to get the next train. Well, when we got over there we realized that that wasn’t the airport train! And while we were over we missed our real train! So, back to track 5 for another 20 minutes. We weren’t fooled again and made the next train. It was an easy trip from there to the airport. We were lucky to be able to get all our luggage on the plane since daddy thought we were only allowed to check 2 bags and we had 3 heavy bags. So, we are on the plane now and on the way home.
Thoughts on the trip…hmmm…. What memories stand out for me? I think walking through Prague early in the morning before all the tourists came out was the most magical moment for me. The ferry rides rank second. Castle Elsinore was also very magical. Mommy asked daddy which country he would like to live in and he said Hungary. Hungary was fun and interesting and I think daddy said he wanted to live there because he believed it held out more opportunities still to be discovered.

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