Tuesday, June 6, 2017

厕所训练你的孩子--Toilet Training Your Child






There is no single correct answer to the question about what time is best to begin toilet training. In part because every culture approaches toilet training differently, but also because every child is different. What is clear is that producing excess stress on the child in order to toilet train them can be at least counter productive if not harmful. The optimal way to toilet train is by making it a fun and light hearted activity. Therefore, you should begin when your child starts showing an interest in their own bowel movements and the potty. One early sign is that they have begun to communicate and can tell you when they have a wet diaper. The next step is for them to be able to tell immediately after they have wet themselves. The last sign showing they are ready is when they have begun to anticipate wetting their diaper.

Children usual develop this sense of self-awareness as well as the desire to do things themselves around 2 1/2. You can encourage them to go potty by having them sit on the potty while they play a game. You should have them watch you go to the potty. Try to schedule potty times during the day (about every hour). Also make the activity fun and stress free. If they pick up their poop to show you, feel free to laugh and congratulate them while also warning them that poop is dirty.

The fad for early toilet training began in post WWI America when mothers were often left alone to care for large families. Since this was the time before diapers the women had to wash dozens of cloth diapers a day. Necessarily, they needed to try to limit the number of diapers used, simply have time to do the rest of the day's work. This resulted in a push for early potty training. There was also the belief, taken from misreadings of Freud and others, that early potty training was healthy for the child. Children that were potty trained early would end up being cleaner adults and having more self control. The push for early toilet training was so great that many parents felt compelled to severely punish their children if they resisted toilet training.

What we have learned from this experience is that even under such pressure the children still were not trained early, in fact, many of these children either relapsed by wetting their beds in their 3s or faced other psychological damage such as depression or fits of aggression.

The best way to boost your child's confidence and have them trained is to do it when they are ready and not before.

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