Wednesday, May 17, 2017

培养孩子的社会情感技能--Developing your child's social-emotional skills





不要停止消极的情绪。当你的孩子看到任何情绪时,一定要为他们识别。 “你太开心啦,看看你脸上的微笑!”



当你的孩子出现问题时,他们会考虑如何一起解决问题。有时,如果您认为自己的孩子将会遇到困难,那么最好给您的孩子选择。 “你现在很生气,我们现在要离开公园了,我离开之前怎么样再放一个玩具,你想要在秋千上还是在幻灯片上?

Social-emotional skills are more essential to a child's overall success in life than intelligence or ability. Developing social-emotional skills prepares children to:

get along with others;
follow directions;
identify and regulate emotions;
persist on a task;
engage in social conversation and cooperative play;
correctly interpret the behavior and emotions of others;
feel good about oneself;
solve problems.

As you can see, social-emotional skills are at the heart of all of life's daily tasks. A child who has developed social-emotional skills is able to take turns, know what emotions she is feeling, and know how to calm herself down. If your child struggles with social-emotional skills here are 5 activities you can do to help her develop them.

1. When your child is frustrated, work with her to name her feelings. If your child is sad, identify it with her. For example, "I know you are feeling sad that we can't play at the park anymore." You can also name your feelings, "I feel so frustrated when I am stuck in traffic."

2. Don't stop at negative emotions though. When you see any emotion in your child be sure to identify it for them. "You are so happy Lily! Look at that smile on your face!"

3. When you are angry, model calming yourself for your child. Take deep breaths. Explain to your child what you are doing. "I'm feeling angry now, I am going to take a deep breath and count to five."

4. When you see your child getting angry, model deep breathing for them.

5. When your child has a problem help them think about how to solve it together. Sometimes it is best to give your child options if you think they will have trouble deciding what to do. "You are mad that we have to leave the park now. How about I let you go on one more toy before we leave. Do you want to go on the swing or down the slide?"

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